Knowledge Simplex


A concept often refer to as fundamental idea, principle or notion that is foundation to understand a broader subject area. Concepts are usually defined in unambiguous terms specially in the areas of mathematics. Some examples of mathematical concept include, notion of numbers, set, function. Say for example in case of constitution of India key concepts or principle is the idea of sovereignty, socialism, secularism, justice equality. These can be thought as the building block for the subject.


Given two concept how are it can be related by the following six type of relationship analogy, opposition or contrast, cause and effect, hierarchy, complementarity, and association.

For example;

Analogy can be thought as relationship between heart and pump can be analogous to between computer and processor, relationship between addition in arithmetic and concatenation in string operations in computer science can be viewed analogously.

Hierarchy can be thought as some concept pairs where one is a subset or superset of t he other. For example, "animal" and "dog" can be related to "plant" and "rose". Here, "dog" is a type of "animal", and "rose" is a type of "plant” or numbers, for instance, can be categorized into natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers, with each category encompassing the previous one.

Opposition or Contrast can be seen in concepts like positive and negative numbers, or in geometric concepts like convex and concave shapes.

Cause and Effect one concept may lead to or result in the other. For example, "heat" and "expansion" can be related to "cold" and "contraction".

Complementarity: Certain mathematical concepts are complementary. For example, in probability theory, the concepts of mutually exclusive events and collectively exhaustive events are complementary; understanding one enhances the understanding of the other.

Association: Mathematical concepts are often related by more general associations, such as how certain algebraic concepts might be related to geometric ones (like how equations of lines and curves in algebra correspond to geometric shapes).

Knowledge Graphs

A knowledge graph(KG) or any graphs is made up of nodes and edges. Each node of the KG represents a concpet and each edge is a relationship between a pair of such concepts.

The question is how to create knowledge graphs from a corpus of text?

When we are dealing knowledge that is not known to chatgpt, there are traditional approach RAG, the current version of chatgpt can do websearch. It might search top few rank website, so what we are proposing representing the knowledge in from of graph from, we run query to e